Publications of Dr. Thi Kim Phung Dang

  1. Dang, T. K. P. (2025). ‚Climate Change Communication in Vietnam’s Online Newspapers and Its Implications for Climate Actions‘. Sustainability17(4), 1354.
  2. Dang, T. K. P., Nguyen, N. K.; Tran, T. Q. K. (2024). 'Families and Social Media: A case studies in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam'.  Proceedings of the 3nd International Conference on Innovations in The Social Sciences and Humanities (3rd ISSH), 26-27 July 2024, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  3. Dang, T.K.P.; Luong, T.N. (2023). ‘Social impacts of zero-COVID policy on airline workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies25(1): 1-19 (ISI).
  4. Dang, T.K.P. (2023). Job satisfaction during Covid-19 social distancing: The case of teleworkers in Vietnam. Central European Management Journal31(2), 509–523.
  5. Dang, T.K.P., 2023. 'Green Nature or Green Fantasies: Representations of Ecotourism in Vietnam'. Sustainability15(5), p.4601.
  6. Dang, T. K. P. (2022) 'The discourse of forest cover in Vietnam and its policy implications'. Sustainability 2022 (14), 10976 . 10.3390/su141710976.
  7. Dang, T. K. P., Luong, T. N.  (2021) ‘Social impacts of covid-19 on aviation employees: The case of Vietnam Airlines flight attendants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovations in The Social Sciences and Humanities (2nd ISSH), 17-18 December 2021, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  8. Fernando, O. P., Dang, T. K. P. (2021) ‘Social networks of overseas Filipino teachers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovations in The Social Sciences and Humanities (2nd ISSH), 17-18 December 2021, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  9. Dang, T. K. P. (2021). ‘Livelihood and poverty: The case of poor women in the rural areas of Ca Mau province, Vietnam’. Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14(1), 99-119 (Scopus).
  10. Dang, T.K.P. (2021). ‘Tourism imaginaries and the selective perception of visitors: Postcolonial heritage in Con Dao Islands, Vietnam’. Islands Studies Journal, 16(1), 249-270. (ISI)
  11. Thi Kim Phung Dang, Tran Ngoc Hong (2020). 'Teleworking and job satisfaction: How the Covid-19 outbreak shapes the new working pattern in Vietnam?' In: Proceedings of The International Conference on Finance and Economics, 18-19 November, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.
  12. Dang, T, K. P. (2020). 'Forestry policy and Legitimacy: The Case of Forest Devolution in Vietnam'. Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(6), 848-862. (ISI)
  13. Dang, T, K. P. (2020). ’Innovations of education socialisation in Vietnam: From participation towards privatisation’. Educational Philosophy and Theory 2020, 52:11, 1173-1184.
  14. Dang Thi Kim Phung (2019). ‘Socialisation of Education in Vietnam: From Participation to Privatisation’. Proceedings of the International Conference on  Innovations in The  Social Sciences and Humanities, 4-5 October 2019, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 
  15. Dang, T. K. P., Mariëlle Van Der Zouwen, I. J., Arts, B. (2019). ‘Challenges of Forest Governance: the Case of Forest Rehabilitation in Vietnam’. Public Organization Review 19(4), 425-452. (Scopus)
  16. Dang, T. K. P., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., Arts, B. (2018). ‘Forest devolution in Vietnam: From rhetoric to performance’. Land Use Policy 77 (2018): 760– 774. (ISI) 
  17. Dang, T. K. P. (2018). ‘Challenges of Forest Governance’. In A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, # Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Online ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5, 
  18. Dang, T. K. P., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., Arts, B. (2017). ‘The Institutional Capacity for Forest Devolution: The Case of Forest Land Allocation in Vietnam’. Development Policy Review 35, 723–744. (ISI)
  19. Dang, T. K. P., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., Arts, B. (2016). ‘A framework for assessing governance capacity: An illustration from Vietnam’s forestry reforms’. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(6): 1154-1174.
  20. Dang, T.K.P., Turnhout, E. and Arts, B., 2012. 'Changing forestry discourses in Vietnam in the past 20 years'. Forest Policy and Economics25, 31-41. (ISI).